Rules of Play

Central State Poker, LLC Rules

Central State Poker, LLC holds live Texas Hold-em Tournaments at various locations such as bars and restaurants.  It is FREE to play in these live tournaments, therefore it causes no threat to the establishment’s gaming or liquor licenses.  These tournaments are played by the TDA rules that can be reviewed by clicking the button above. 


The league will consist of 4 or 5 weeks of live tournaments, with each location hosting at least 1 tournament per week leading to a monthly finale. Each player will receive points according to what place they finish in the weekly tournament, along with bonus points for placing in the top 3 players.   At the end of the 4 to 5 week session, the top 3 point earners from each location will win a seat to the Monthly Session Finale. This tournament is typically held on a Saturday, one week after the end of the session and will pay out cash prizes. The top 8 finishers will receive cash!


Players can play at multiple locations, but points will not carry over from one location to the next.  The top point earner from ALL locations will win cash for being ‘Player of the Month’. 

These rules govern the operation of all players in any Central State Poker, LLC sanctioned event.

  1. All events are FREE to play. Chips have no cash value and are for entertainment purposes only.
  2. Players receive points based on tournament finishes. These points have no cash value.
  3. Must be 21 years of age to participate.
  4. Players who do not follow the rules, will receive a verbal warning.  A TD (tournament director) has the right to remove said player from the event if the behavior continues.
  5. No weapons of any kind are allowed at any Central State Poker, LLC events.
  6. Causing a disturbance by arguing, shouting or making excessive noise is not allowed. Players exhibiting this behavior will be subject to removal from the event or suspension. Also, any public expression of disrespect to another player will not be tolerated.  (ie. social media posts within the group)
  7. Gambling, cheating, stealing or placing money on the poker table IS NOT allowed!   This could be cause for immediate suspension. 
  8. Seating is established, at the beginning of the tournament, by a drawing for seats. The other time seats are drawn for is when combining to the final table. The TDA rules will be used for leveling tables.
  9. The person drawing the ace or seat 1 chip is the dealer.
  10. Chips must remain on the poker tables at all times, with the highest denomination chips clearly visible. Please don’t ever put chips in your pocket when moving tables, if you need help contact your TD for assistance. 
  11. If a player notifies a TD they will be late, they have a 20 minute window to show up.  After that, their chips will be removed from play. Until the expiration of that 20 minutes, their stack is in play and blinds should be put in.
  12. Dealers may fold your cards if you are not at the table when it’s your turn to act.
  13. Dealers may fold your cards if you are on a cell phone when it’s your turn to act.
  14. Only the dealer or a TD should have their hands in the pot.  Do not pull cards or chips, unless asked to do so, if you are not in the dealer seat.
  15. Announce bets or raises clearly.
  16. No string bets allowed. In order to avoid the string bet, announce what you want your bet/raise to be that way if you take too many or too few chips across the line you will be allowed to correct the issue
  17. Do not splash the pot. This simply means, lay your bet directly in front of you at the table and do not toss them into the main chip pot
  18. When an all-in has been called, do NOT pull chips to the middle if stacks do not match.  Leave everything in front of the individual players and amounts can be determined once the winner of the hand has been determined.
  19. Blinds will be raised throughout the tournament according to the Blind Schedule. Players are obligated to pay all blinds in turn.
  20. If two players are eliminated on the same hand, the player who started the hand with more chips is awarded the higher finish position.
  21. There is NO smoking at the tables. 

These rules are a basic guide. All TD decisions are final and should be respected to avoid suspension.  Please feel free to contact us anytime with comments and/or concerns.  We are here for your entertainment and would like to keep things ‘family’ like when it comes to play. There is no need for HATE, when it is FREE to play!!  

Much love everyone and see you at the tables!!!

Blind Structure

Starting stacks will be 10,000, with a 5,000 chip bump for players that remain after the first break.  A 10 minute break will be taken after each hour of play.  Only the 1st break is ‘set’, due to possible changing blind times based on the number of players.

Blind times are as follows:

   – with a game of 20 or less players blinds will be 20 mins for the entire tournament

   – with a game of more than 20 players blinds will be 20 mins for the first hour and then go to 15 mins after the break

Blinds are as follows:

– 100/200

– 200/400

– 300/600


– 500/1000

– 1000/2000

– 2000/4000

– 3000/6000

– 5000/10,000

– 10,000/20,000

– 15,000/30,000

– 20,000/40,000

     after this point blinds will continue to double 

Awarding of Points

The first player to go out of the tournament will receive 1 point, with each player after that receiving points for each player that went out before them, plus 1.  The top 3 finishers will be awarded bonus points of; 7 for first, 5 for second, and 3 for third. 

Steps of Discipline

1. Verbal Warning

2. Written Warning (1st)

3. Written Warning (2nd)

4. 7 Day Suspension From any and all Legaue games


After Step 4, any further infractions would result in a discussion amongst owners about a possible ban of said player.

If a player is infraction free for 6 months, then their discipline record will be re-evaluated and possibly cleared.